Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jaume Sabartes Proyect, 2005

The following images showed the public interventation realized in Barcelona. The project it was divided in three parts.
The first part it was realized in the morning and the whole square was marked with white tape, drawing the old buildings that were expropiated in 1996 and writing the names of the familes who used to live on them as well as details of the interior given by old neighbours.
The second part of the project was marked with yellow (simbolizing, benches and chairs) and green lines (simbolizing trees). This was the new plan of the City Hall. By the end we have the two plans overimposed.
Finally we set up a table in which we exhibit the new project to the neighbours given them the oportunity to participate through drawing or talking to us in the design of the future of the square. Finally we put together a table in which we exhibited the model for the new City Hall’s and we gave a chance to the public and neighbours to give their opinion and to partipate on the design of the new project, through writting, drawing or talking to the cameras.

Like a fish out of watwer, 2005

This performance “ The burial of the sardine“ refers to the ritual of renovation at the end of the carnival every year, in this occasion the artist varies its content allowing the conservation and renaissance of the fish. The sardine does not die but it is buried in salt.

Performance for the exposition Islas Mobiles, curated by Orlando Brito and presented, Centro de Arte La Regenta, 2005

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      rosa mesa art has been of a multidisciplinary nature from its begginnings exploring multirud of subjects and mediums but with a basic ...